12 March 2007

Super-Supportive Family and Friends

My sister always shows her love and support with a maximum of dignity and decorum during our Skype conversations. Here she's...well, nevermind, I don't even know.

My kingdom for Starbucks. What we have in Abuja is Nescafe, powdered or condensed milk, and sugar. Lots of sugar. And here he is dangling a latte in front of me. So thoughtful. I appear to be comatose or perhaps seizing in response.

Thankfully I do have one loyal supporter:

It's impossible for me to catch one funny photo of someone I'm talking to that's also a good photo of me in that little left-hand corner box. It's like a law or something.

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A series of largely unconnected thoughts and experiences for family and friends to follow as they see fit.