25 March 2007

Home and Safe

I arrived Thursday and have been relaxing in Alexandria since then.

My mother emailed me to let me know that my cat is sick, but that they're taking very good care of him. He had an asthma flare-up, so they're giving him nebulizer treatments and created an oxygen tent for him. Next to the stove. See below.

Below this would be my cat's extremely unhappy face framed by his "oxygen tent":

According to my mother, his HMO gives us extra points for home treatment. Fantastic.

1 comment:

Pelusa said...

Gato has made a terrific recovery and as we speak is out chasing rodents. Pelusa has reclaimed her crate and feels very heroic. The other cats are trying to fake a cough for some attention, that is, except for Cleopatra, who continues to sneeze and snort as if someone should do something about it. Please consider calling or emailing your mother, she misses you...

A series of largely unconnected thoughts and experiences for family and friends to follow as they see fit.