16 March 2007

Buh-Bye Dukies

Three pieces of terrific news from home today.

  1. Duke bit the dust. B imed to warn me not to read SI.com because he knows Duke is in North Carolina, and he knows I love college basketball. Thankfully I'm a Carolina girl. The only emotional reaction I'll have to Duke's loss is delight. Oh, and, the loss made the front-page of the NY Times online.
  2. Almost as cool: NY and CA are movin' their primaries to February 5. Does this knock Edwards out? His main hope was Iowa -- and my main hope is that he's out.
  3. Thanks, K, for the tip: you can get a free New York Times Select subscription with a valid .edu email address.
I got to call my grandmother for her birthday yesterday, which was wonderful. Other than that call and a few medical-advice pleas, I've been Skype only. In other news, I'll be traveling to Lagos again tomorrow and to Port-Harcourt on Monday.

Congratulations to my friend Nat who will be going to Shanghai for a few weeks this summer to teach, and to Rachie, who printed and submitted an (absolutely) amazing thesis today!

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