16 March 2007

Art Gallery in Abuja

Today we went to an art gallery with A, our gracious host. There was an incredible array of absolutely stunning, authentically Nigerian art and things from South Africa and other parts of West Africa that were probably stocked as novelties for wealthy visitors -- there aren't any other kind here -- who don't know (or care) about the origin of African art. There were also a few sad obligatory "typical" African statues and items hidden among the treasures.

As was my intention, I picked out some gifts (from the non-South-African and non-stereotypical items) and helped G decide on some art for his house -- of course, by "help," I mean that I stood next to him supportively and nodded while he picked it. Quite contrary to my intention, I fell in love with a painting by a Nigerian artist, Jonathan Lessor.

The painting I love looks like the one below, which depicts the yellow buses and crowds in Lagos, but it has more reds -- it's so vibrant and bold, full of primary colors. The painting is strikingly unique, and it's completely Nigerian. It perfectly captures life in Lagos.

I also finalized my flight plans, as of yesterday, and I'm flying in Thursday afternoon. Still flying with the Dutch. Nats has offered to come pick me up, as has B. I'll be back at work Monday, but I hope to spend the weekend in North Carolina. Both B and S have claimed to have "a big bubble" waiting for me in Alexandria. Hopefully I won't need it. I feel so, so much better.

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